6am BREAKFAST CLUB – Paul McGrath

9am JOHN ATKINJSON MUSIC – John Atkinson

11am THURSDAY MUSIC – Andrew Drylie


1:30pm COMMUNITY VIEW – Ray Burgess

4pm DRIVE TIME – Dave Jeffrey

7pm MARTY AND EMU SHOW – Marty Morton




7 thoughts on “THURSDAY PROGRAMS”

  1. Miranda Kichenside

    Hi Dave, my love Dan and I always listen to 90.1 . Love the programme today . A request from me to play Roy Orbisons Sweet Dreaming Baby
    Thanks Miranda x

  2. Dave says thank you and will be delighted to play it for you and Dan. It’s lovely to hear from our listeners!

  3. Hi Dave,

    Hope you are well :).

    Firstly. I just wanted to say “THANK YOU” for last week for my Friend, Tony Cook’s Birthday shout-out last, last Monday. Really, appreciated it, Dave and it was a pleasure speaking with you.

    Secondly. I was wondering if you could play a “Paul McCartney” song for BOTH, Steve White (who, plays Paul ‘Macca’ McCartney in The English Tribute Band to the Beatles “Bootleg Beatles”) and my Dad, who celebrate Birthdays’, THIS WEEK! My Dad’s Birthday is on Sunday 7th June, 2020 and Steve’s was on Monday’s. If you could ALSO, say a BIG, happy “HELLO” to Steve’s wife, Naomi. She is a beautiful woman…thanks Dave! I think a “Paul Macca” song would be fitting for BOTH as, Steve plays him and he was Dad’s FAVOURITE Beatle. Very appropriate, I think!
    Thank You (so much!), Dave!!

    If, you could possibly do it on tomorrow’s Show (Thursday, 4th June, 2020), that would be great at the latest within your Show…say towards 11AM…I will be listening and will try and record it and then send to Steve and Naomi and will also, show my Dad. Just thought, they are BOTH Geminis’ being BORN this close within this month of June … so cool! So cool! And, they BOTH like Paul McCartney…very ironic…

    Anyhow. Will, let you go for now, Dave. All of my love to you and Family’s love, also. Have a great evening and BIG, BIG thanks from the BOTTOM of my heart and from everybody, involved ^^^.
    It will NOT only, make their Birthday that much sweeter, BUT…it shall make their week and LIVES, that much happier as well. May God Bless you abundantly. Oh! And, before I let you go…you are doing a great job for Terry! I do miss him BUT, you are doing well; he’d be PROUD his Program is currently in good hands.

    Take Care, stay safe (healthy) and speak soon.


    Renee Azzopardi and Family/Friends’.

    BIG HUGS :):)

  4. Hey 👋 Dave,

    Hope you’ve had a wonderful week, so far and a great, LONG weekend!

    I’ve been listening to you on a Monday and now Thursday, religiously so, thank you 🙏!!!! Thank you for the Requests.

    I was going to ask, if you have enough time tomorrow morning if you could give a shout-out to my friend George (White), who turned the BIG 6 0, yesterday (Tuesday, 9th June, 2020) and if you can say “hello” again to Tony Cook, of The Mersey Beatles. That would be Awesome!!!, thanks Dave. (I will inform you when they come back, funny enough, they were here THIS time (LAST year) and we’re due to come back but due to COVID-19, they have had to postpone their Oz Tour. But, all is good! As long as people are safe and healthy, that’s the MAIN thing, isn’t it??? But, Dave, as promised, will let you and hope you got The Bootleg Beatles Australian 2020 November Tour, last week also!!!
    Thanks Dave. Any song for George and Tony. Maybe, a Pointer Sisters song for George and for Tony, “Hey Bulldog!” by The Beatles or “I Call Your Name” (the latter may be hard/difficult to retrieve so, the FIRST, will do! ;):)). Thanks so MUCH, Dave !

    I look forward to hearing you on air, tomorrow. You are a great Presenter, and somebody I respect and admire. Hope, if I ever get the chance to work in the Media, I CaN be just like you, Terry or Paul. God Bless you and thank you for everything !

    Take Care and until we speak again, stay safe and have a lovely 😊 end to this working week!

    Kindest Regards,

    Renee, George and Tony (Cook).

    Many, many thanks!

  5. Hi Dave,

    Just, Renee Azzopardi here.

    Loved, your Programme on Monday; helps me study and gets me through the week :).

    Good news, I am nearly finished this small short in Screen and Media…finish on July 26th, 2020 so yeah, just under three weeks to go!

    Dave. Would you be able to give a “shout-out” to three friends’ (for me!).
    One is a couple, Viviane and Lee Robinson and as I have been a little sick of late, they had some flowers’ sent so thought how better to “thank them” than to acknowledge them on the radio with you. Also. Mr., Gavin Leslie Pring turns “40” today (Wednesday 8th July, 2020… ONE day after “Ringo Starr’s Birthday and he turned the big “8 0” so EXACTLY… “40” years ahead of Gavin… LOL ;))… and he plays in a Tribute Band called, “The Fab Four” who are based in America. Gavin, is English descent though, so yeah! Would YOU be kind enough to PLAY, TWO songs… for Viviane and Lee “With A Little Help From My Friends” (and, that celebrates “Ringo’s” Birthday, as well and for Gavin, who plays George… “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” or another, George-led Beatles song! I hope I AM not asking for TOO much… BUT, that would surely make their, “THURSDAY!”, ever-so-great ! Could YOU also play them towards the end of the Show after 10:30AM, say…closer to 11 as then, I should be ready and tape it, accordingly. Dave. You rock and so does Paul (McGrath) …can’t wait to come into the Studio and see Paul about working at 2NBC and hopefully, get to see the magic behind the mic… Take Care and Best Wishes, a l w a y s s s. God Bless!

    Thanks again Dave… means so MUCH. Bless.


    Renee xo

  6. Hello and Good Evening, Mr Jeffrey,

    Hope you have been well and are, having a LOVELY, week!

    Dave, I was just wondering if you would be so kind in wishing a “Happy Birthday” to THREE, remarkable women in my life. On Monday, Joyce Xerri Darmanin and Cheryl Cummings celebrated their “Anniversaries Of Births” and are dear, friends’ of mine who attend “Elvis Concerts”; we are ALL part of The Sydney Australian Elvis Scene, here. So, was wondering if you could PLAY for them, yup!, you guessed it… an, Elvis song …I shall leave it up to you BUT, I will RECORD it for them and they would be so so, GRATEFUL ! Would make them smile, especially with what is occurring, at the moment! Due to lockdowns and all, it is hard to “party” how we are used to! That’s for sure.

    And, on Saturday!!! This, is the BIGGIE… Dave. My Dearest Mum is turning the “BIG 6 0” on Saturday! YESSS!!!!!! The BIG “60!”. That means, she will NOT only be entering a “NEW CLUB/ERA:” she… will be a SENIOR CITIZEN, legally and joining THAT Club come Saturday, 12AM… hehe ;). (We have let HER know that, due to this REASON… she should be so so excited! Haha ;):) She does LOOK young but that, BIRTH CERTIFICATE… don’t lie! Haha! ;)). So, Dave. If you could, she does LIKE The Beatles BUT… if YOU could, play for her some, Barry White… SHE ADORES him… loves, HIS music. There is one… “My First, My Last, My Everything!”. If you could play THIS for her, I will ALSO record as, she will be at work (She is off on, Fridays!). Thanks Dave… also, if you could possibly play them at around 10:30AM, later on today… THAT will be great.

    Dave. Thank you from the BOTTOM of my heart, mind and soul for, ALL these “Requests”. I LOVE your Program, and of COURSE, 2NBC 90.1 FM. MAY God Bless you all. Have a wonderful week, a LOVELY Thursday and nice, (upcoming!) weekend. #stay safe xoxoxo

  7. Dangerous Dave Jeffrey lol love the programme as always ! Top temperature of 18degrees in kogarah quote everyone does a great job !!!! Say hi to Paul

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